
Jill Pelletier

Jill Pelletier began her career working with children as a school counselor. She graduated from Springfield College in 2005 and was hired in Belchertown, Massachusetts that same year. In her role, she worked with a variety of students through the grades of Kindergarten through high school, settling in a building that has students in 4th through 6th grade. In this age range, she found her niche. Jill took advantage of different leadership opportunities such as curriculum committees, school council, district instructional leadership, building leadership teams, and various school safety committees.

Her interest in mentoring inspired her to take a Mentoring in Action course that not only supported her ability in mentoring new teachers, but helped her district develop a more comprehensive mentoring program. She currently serves as a Master Mentor Evaluator (MME) for reading reflections and responding to journal prompts for teachers who are learning how to become mentors and mentor trainers.

She recently took on the role as assistant principal. In this capacity, her guidance and counseling experience has helped her build rapport with students and families and expanded leadership opportunities. She remains passionate about her work with mentoring and is very interested in helping her district and other districts enhance their programs so all teachers can be successful.